Join Craig at the Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference July 26-28

Join me for the Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference, July 26-28. I will be the opening keynote speaker on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. My message is, "Declaring God’s Truth in a Digital Age of Half Truths."
The Internet is connecting billions of people around the world – through social media, blogs, articles, book excerpts, tweets, videos, and many other forms. The opportunities to reach people with the Good News are seemingly endless, but we cannot assume we will always have the freedom to do so. In a day where increasingly Christians are labeled as speaking words of hate rather than love, how do we effectively share our faith and thus draw people to the Lord rather than push them away?
I will also teach a continuing class on Narrative Nonfiction.
With blockbusters like “Grant”, "The Zookeeper’s Wife" and "Leonardo Da Vinci" dominating the best-seller lists, the narrative non-fiction and biography genres are burgeoning markets for writers who want to tell true stories with powerful messages. Learn the difference between narrative non-fiction, biography, and historical fiction. Discover how true stories can unlock the hearts of your readers to the ways God can move mightily -- and even supernaturally -- in the lives of people who seek Him, and the tragedies of those who go their own way.
Learn more and register here