Living Life to Its Top—Each Day—Makes Us Better Writers
“That the joy of life is living, is to put out all one’s powers as far as they will go. … We have shared the incommunicable experience of...

Our Father who 'Arts' in Heaven
I grew up in a family of seven children and when we were kids, my parents would crowd us into the van and take us down to Presque Isle....

Craig's Biography of Ulysses S. Grant a Finalist for the Christian Market Book Award
Craig's biography, Victor! The Final Battle of Ulysses S. Grant, is a finalist in the Christian Market Book Awards! Winners will be...

Cover Reveal! New Book from Craig - Coming in August!
Cover reveal! Coming in August from Elk Lake Publishing. More details to come. Learn more at Elk Lake Publishing Peter, Paul, and Mary:...

All Created Equal: Celebrating Freedom on Independence Day
A concept emerged that led to the birth of American freedom, a celestial idea that still reverberates – that all men are created equal....

Strong Vincent & the Heroes of Gettysburg on the Anniversary of the Battle - Stories & Myths
On the anniversary of the 2nd day of fighting at Gettysburg, learn about the brave stand of Colonel Strong Vincent and the other heroes...

The Causes of the American Revolution on This Episode of Stories & Myths
Learn the causes and effects of the American Revolution. What ironic event of American history took place on July 4th, 1826 - the 50th...