The Gift of 'Newness' in the New Year
Someone once said there are regulators on our lives that help control and shape our destinies. These regulators include things we often...

Dallas Jenkins of The Chosen on 'Walking in Faith: The Peter, Paul, and Mary Principle'
"This book is so important, and Dr. Craig is the brilliant thinker and servant required to deliver it." — Dallas Jenkins, Creator, The...

New Book Release! 'Walking in Faith: The Peter, Paul, and Mary Principle' Now Available
Download your copy today! Peter, Paul, and Mary: three ordinary people, but after an encounter with God, each chose to respond in faith...

You Can Shine the Light! Help Craig Take the Good News to Kenya!
Can you help? Heading to Kenya with Empowered Living Ministries in a couple weeks to provide free Bible college level training to pastors...

Cover Reveal! New Book from Craig - Coming in August!
Cover reveal! Coming in August from Elk Lake Publishing. More details to come. Learn more at Elk Lake Publishing Peter, Paul, and Mary:...

The Causes of the American Revolution on This Episode of Stories & Myths
Learn the causes and effects of the American Revolution. What ironic event of American history took place on July 4th, 1826 - the 50th...

Fun and Powerful Morning Prayers with Your Kids
Prayer is a powerful thing that many people in this world either downplay, disregard, or simply don’t understand. That attitude changes...

A Comprehensive Explanation of Creative Nonfiction
Creative nonfiction is a blending of two previously separate literary worlds—and the results can be breathtaking. The genre—including...

Roe reversed - How do pro-life people respond? "Modeling Grace to Your Kids in the Pro-Life Message"
We stand on the precipice of an historic transformation, both for good and for evil, as we process the landmark ruling by the Supreme...

Grieving the Loss of My Dad on Father’s Day
In his final years, my father slipped into dementia and eventually struggled to remember even the simplest daily things. But he never...