What People Are Saying about 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'
What people are saying: "I recently read 'I Am Cyrus.' Wow, what a good biography of Truman and Israel. ... I really loved how you...

Birth Pains of Modern Israel - Excerpt from 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'
Read the excerpt: 'Birth pains of Modern Israel' Order your copy of I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel More books by...

Craig's 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman & the Rebirth of Israel' is Finalist for Book of the Decade
Exciting news! My book, 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel' is now a finalist for the Serious Writer Book of the...

Craig's Biography of Ulysses S. Grant a Finalist for the Christian Market Book Award
Craig's biography, Victor! The Final Battle of Ulysses S. Grant, is a finalist in the Christian Market Book Awards! Winners will be...

On Jerusalem Day, Watch Craig's Conversation About 'I Am Cyrus' with 700 Club Social
My interview with Whitney of 700 Club Social, talking about the history of the rebirth of Israel in my book, I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman...

Weizmann Meets Balfour: The Seeds of the Declaration for Israel
Balfour was shocked by Weizmann’s bold response. The Russian Zionist decided it was all or nothing, so he continued with a pointed...

Truman Closes the Doors to the White House: Listen to 'I Am Cyrus' on Audible
Harry Truman had been insulted and had shut the door to the White House. No one could get in to persuade him on his position of a...

Now on Audible! 'I Am Cyrus' - Narrated by the Author
I Am Cyrus is now available on Audible with Dr. Craig von Buseck as narrator! Coming soon to Amazon and Apple. Order or download your...

Discovering Jerusalem, the Western Wall, and Samuel's Tomb
We left the courtyard of the Tomb of David and walked down a long, narrow passageway. Eli spoke as we walked. "I remember as a young...

Worship Leader Lynn DeShazo Endorses 'I Am Cyrus'
"Thoroughly enjoyed reading 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'. One of the best comprehensive histories of the birth...