Birth Pains of Modern Israel - Excerpt from 'I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel'
Read the excerpt: 'Birth pains of Modern Israel' Order your copy of I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel More books by...

Weizmann Meets Balfour: The Seeds of the Declaration for Israel
Balfour was shocked by Weizmann’s bold response. The Russian Zionist decided it was all or nothing, so he continued with a pointed...

Announcement! 'I Am Cyrus' Re-released With New In-depth Index
My book I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel has been re-released with a new in-depth index. With more than 1,200...

Stories & Myths - Israel's Right to Exist (Episode 6)
With the fighting in the Middle East, some are calling Israel a colonial power and an apartheid state. Is this true? Learn more on this...