Three Keys To Answered Prayer
And I say to you ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you (Luke 11:9). Prayer is...

Doing What God is Blessing
David could have gone to the Lord and said, "I'm planning to go after the Amalekites. I pray you will bless MY plan." But that's not what...

Relationship with God - Task From God
You and I were created to have a relationship and to worship God. But we were also created to fulfill a certain role or task in the...

How to Live a Victorious Life
We think we must conquer in order to have a great life. But the truth is, we must surrender to have true victory! See how in this video...

Joy ... In His Presence
It was a major time of transition in my life, and things didn’t appear to be working out. I was working for a ministry, but was having a...

Craig's Video Teaching: Jesus Wants You to Know Him
Video teaching: Craig teaches on Jesus' passion for you to know Him -- from the CBN.com spiritual gifts webcast with Marguerite Evans....

Doing What God Is Blessing
The Bible tells us that when he was confronted with an enemy or an obstacle, again and again King David would "inquire of the Lord." In 1...

Psalms, Hymns and Negro Spiritual Songs: Harry T. Burleigh and the Birth of American Music
Praise is one of the most powerful weapons available to the believer – yet it is often misunderstood or completely ignored as a path to...

Pay-ers, Pray-ers, and Play-ers
There was a time in Christianity when there was a clear divide between the professional clergy and the laity -- the priests and the...