TV Interview: How Harry T. Burleigh Changed American Music
Craig von Buseck speaks with Sean Latterty of WJET-TV in Erie, Pennsylvania, about the impact of Harry T. Burleigh on American music....

Let Freedom Ring - Bridging the Racial Divide
In his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King appealed to the American nation to recognize the sins of slavery and racial...

Reconciling the Races 'Under God' – Part 2
Craig: There has been much progress since Martin Luther King gave his famous 'I Have a Dream' speech, but we still have a long way to go....

Michael Tait: Reconciling the Races ‘Under God’ – Part 1
Craig von Buseck: Your book, 'Under God' is thought-provoking and inspiring. But it is also controversial, because you didn't only show...