Learn to be a Leader: Ulysses S. Grant Leader and Influencer with Dr. Craig von Buseck

Are you a leader? Do you feel called to be a leader. Learn some of the principles of one of the greatest leaders in American history, Ulysses S. Grant, in this discussion between Anita Brooks and Dr. Craig von Buseck on the Exceptional Leadership blog.
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Dr. Craig von Buseck is not only a prolific author, but he is one part historian, one part influencer, and one part experienced leader. His in-depth research unearths little-known details about people whose decisions and actions shaped our world. Leaders today would do well to learn from the mistakes and victories of leaders from yesterday. Former U.S. president, Ulysses S. Grant, is one such example.
Other podcasts from Craig von Buseck
Discover more about Anita and P4 Power Coachingâ„¢ at anitabrooks.com